Hugeicons Pro
Hugeicons Pro - your ultimate solution for top-notch, beautiful & consistent icon library. Crafted for designers, developers and content creators.
🌐 Official website: Hugeicons Pro
You will get:
✔︎ 27,000+ icons | 57 popular categories (+growing)
✔︎ Stroke, two-tone, solid, bulk, and duotone icons
✔︎ Rounded & sharp icons
✔︎ Figma plugin & web app
✔︎ React library & popular JavaScript frameworks
✔︎ NPM
✔︎ Figma file
✔︎ SVG icons 📂 in organized folders
✔︎ IconJar
✔︎ License KEY
✔︎ Yearly access (Free future updates)
A world of beautiful and consistent icon library for creators by creators. Stay creative!
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161 MB
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